Hi-Fi by Bante

I appreciate that at some point I should actually write something here, but for now here’s another video far more interesting than my musings anyhow.

It was made as a promo for the concerts at the Bellavista Social Pub but feeds right into my love of Jazz imagery.

via: Monsieur Bandit

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The Bechdel Test

I’m completely swiping this from Ingrid Kopp’s excellent blog From the Hip (highly recommend you subscribe to it, she kicks ass).

The Bechdel Test is based around the simple premise of  taking any film and asking 3 questions:

1. Does the film have two women with names in it?
2. Do these two women talk to each other?
3. Do they talk to each other about something other than a man?

Original source: Ted Hope

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Guillaume Nery

This blows my tiny mind…

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The Kings of Convenience – Soirée de Poche #11

Kings of Convenience

Seeing Kings of Convenience at the Barbican was one of my favourite moments of last year. They completely blew me away and I was in complete awe of how impressive a show can be when there are only two men and two guitars on stage. This video is the next best thing to experiencing that in person and finding this after one of the most tiring weekends of my life was absolute bliss.

It’s worth every second of its 26 minute duration, a definite must-see if you’re a KoC fan or an Erlend Oye fan in general (how you couldn’t be, especially the latter, does not compute with my brain).


oh and if you are a lover of all things Erlend and haven’t visited his website of late, do it just to rollover France – website

(from headunderwater via rawkblog)

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Remembering Dennis Stock


Magnum Photographer Dennis Stock sadly died today.

Stock started his career as an apprentice to Life magazine photographer Gjon Mili and joined Magnum in 1951. Although best known for his intimate portraits of James Dean he was also a prolific Jazz photographer taking some of the most iconic Jazz portraits in history for his book Jazz Street. in 1968 he founded the production company Visual Objectives and shot several documentaries but returned to Magnum to serve as president of Magnum’s film and new media division in 1969 and 1970. Stock generated a book or an exhibition almost every year since the 1950s.


“Art is a well-articulated manifestation of an aspect of life. I have been privileged to view much of life through my cameras, making the journey an enlightened experience. My emphasis has mainly been on affirmative reactions to human behavior and a strong attraction to the beauty in nature.”


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